Wouldn’t it be great if you had a reliable way to teach your dog commands and tricks? Such a method exists, and it’s called clicker training. With clicker training, you can teach your dog to perform any trick, from basic ones like sitting on command to advanced feats such as jumping through hoops.
Below, learn how to clicker train a dog the easy way. If you need help, give us a call to schedule dog training in Houston, TX.
What Is Clicker Training?
Clicker training, also called marker training, uses a little device called a clicker to “mark” desired behaviors from your dog. One big perk of using a clicker as a marker is that after some practice, your dog will learn to associate the sound of the clicker with a reward. That means you can use the clicker to get your dog to perform a variety of fun tricks, as well as useful commands like “sit” and “heel.”
Clicker training is based on the concept of classical conditioning developed by renowned researcher Ivan Pavlov. You may have heard of his famous experiments in which he trained dogs to salivate with the use of a bell. The same concept of creating a conditioned response applies to clicker training.
Why Is Behavior Training With a Clicker So Successful?
Imagine that you shower your dog with praise after it learns how to sit. Praise is wonderful, but chances are that you say nice things to your dog all day long (as dog lovers, we totally understand!). What are the chances that your dog will connect the praise with the specific action you want it to take? It’s really anyone’s guess.
The sound from a clicker, on the other hand, is distinct. You’ll only use that sound when the dog does something you want it to do. This way, the dog doesn’t get confused and do the wrong thing.
Additionally, clicker training enables you to reinforce very specific behaviors through timing accuracy. For example, suppose you’re teaching your dog to lie down. With a clicker, you teach the dog that it gets a reward when its belly touches the floor, not when it gets up or comes toward you.
How To Clicker Train a Dog in Houston
If you’re new to all this and wondering how to clicker train a dog the right way, our dog training experts in Houston, TX, have got you covered. Follow these reward-based training tips, and you’ll be a clicker training pro in no time.
Introduce the Clicker Slowly
Your dog won’t understand what a clicker is for right off the bat. You’ll need to teach the dog to associate the clicker with something good, like a treat or its favorite game.
To start, wait until your dog is hungry and grab a bag of its favorite treats. Show your dog the clicker and then press the button. Immediately after, give the dog a treat. Repeat this click-treat action five to 10 times.
During your next session, it’s time to test your dog. Press the clicker and watch the dog’s response. If it looks at you in expectation of a treat, you’re ready to start using the clicker to teach commands.
Choose Marker Words To Use With the Clicker
Marker words are words you want your dog to associate with a command. It’s important to select marker words before you start training and use the same words consistently throughout.
You can use basic marker words like “sit,” “stay,” and “come,” or whatever works best for you. Don’t forget to come up with release markers that tell the dog it’s okay to stop an action. For example, you might use the release marker “up” to tell your dog to leave its sitting position.
Eventually, your dog will learn to associate the marker word with the desired action, so you won’t have to rely on the clicker to get it to do what you want.
Use the Clicker for Any Desired Behavior
One of the best parts of clicker training is teaching your dog to do amusing tricks. You’re not limited to the basics like “heel” and “stay.” You can train your dog to do almost anything, from shaking its paw to ringing a bell. How nice would it be if your dog could ring a bell to tell you that it needs to go potty?
Keep your clicker on you at all times, as you never know when Fido might do something cute that you want to reinforce. As soon as your dog does something you’d like it to repeat, hit that clicker and give it a treat.
Using Your Clicker To Teach Basic Commands
Once your dog understands that the clicker means a reward, it’s time to start teaching it some basic commands. Here’s how to clicker train a dog to follow a few simple commands.
- Sit: Position the clicker above your dog’s head and wait for its rump to touch the ground, then press the clicker. Say, “Good dog,” and press the clicker a few more times. Say the release marker and give the dog a treat. This teaches the dog to stay seated until you give the okay to get up.
- Stay: Press the clicker and say, “Stay.” Continue pressing the clicker as long as your dog doesn’t budge.
- Heel: Hold a treat by your side and start walking. The dog should follow after you. Press the clicker when the dog stays either one pace ahead or behind you.
- Down: Put your hand on the dog’s rump and hold it there until it lies down. While doing this, say, “Down.” Press the clicker when the dog’s belly touches the floor.
Contact Our Experts To Learn How To Clicker Train a Dog in Houston, TX
Clicker training your dog can be incredibly rewarding, but it does have frustrating moments. If you need help, call Peace Love Dogs in Houston, TX. We can teach you how to clicker train a dog, provide crate training tips for puppies, and much more. To book your appointment, call (346) 639-3629.