A Guide on How To Train a Dog To Stop Barking in Houston, TX

Does your dog bark excessively? If they’re still young, putting them through puppy training in Houston, TX, might help you figure out how to train a dog to stop barking.

This training won’t necessarily stop your dog from barking altogether. Studies show the average dog barks roughly five times for about 30 seconds every eight hours.

However, some dogs — especially puppies — may bark significantly more. If this sounds like your dog, consider training them to stop barking so much.

Read our guide on how to train a dog to stop barking.

Determine Why Your Dog Is Barking

Dogs bark for many reasons. They may do it because:

  • They’re hungry and/or thirsty.
  • They need to go outside to go potty.
  • They’re bored.

Strive to learn your four-legged friend’s tendencies. This will eventually help you understand why they’re barking. This alone could be the key to figuring out how to train a dog to stop barking in Houston, TX.

This doesn’t mean you must meet your dog’s every demand whenever they bark. If, for example, you realize your dog barks every time you walk into the kitchen because they want a treat, you shouldn’t provide them with one to stop their barking.

Still, knowing why your dog is constantly barking can make training them to stop easier. Analyze your dog’s behavior when they start barking to get a better feel for why they’re doing it.

Eliminate Factors That Encourage Your Dog To Bark

By evaluating your dog each time they begin barking, you should start to see the behavioral triggers that cause your dog to vocalize. For instance, they may bark whenever they look out your front window and see people and/or other dogs walking by.

Another simple solution for dealing with your dog’s constant barking is eliminating the factors that encourage them to do it. In the above scenario, closing the curtains on your front window could be enough to stop them from barking.

You can’t eliminate all the factors that cause your dog to bark. You can control the barking by minimizing them.

Desensitize Your Dog to Things That Make Them Bark

You might stop your dog from barking at people and/or other dogs walking by your house by closing your curtains.However, you must still take your dog out into the world. It may not be possible to prevent your dog from crossing paths with them when they’re outside.

So, what should you do in this situation? Try using desensitization techniques to gradually limit your dog’s barking.

Reward-based training and positive reinforcement will come in handy. If you’re walking your dog and see another dog owner and their pup coming towards you, try taking this approach:

  1. Alert your dog to the other dog and allow them to look at this dog in the distance.
  2. Begin giving your dog treats and speaking positively to your dog as the other dog comes closer.
  3. Keep feeding your dog treats and speaking positively as the other dog walks by.
  4. Stop feeding your dog treats once the other dog has moved past you and started to fade into the distance again.

Consistency in training is essential. You might need to repeat this process repeatedly over weeks and sometimes months. This can help achieve the desired results.

Ignore Your Dog’s Incessant Barking

As you learn how to train a dog to stop barking in Houston, TX, you may run into situations where your dog won’t stop, no matter what steps you take. This can be highly frustrating.

Your dog might bark incessantly when:

  • You put them into their crate for a nap
  • You place them in a separate room when you have company
  • You let them outside for an hour or two while you clean the house

You may be tempted to give in to their barking to get a few minutes of peace.

You’ll set the wrong tone by doing this. Your dog will start to assume that if they keep barking when they want attention, you will eventually provide what they want.

Try your best to ignore your dog’s barking in these scenarios. As long as you know your dog isn’t in danger, you can show them that you won’t jump up and give them attention every time they bark.

Additionally, offer them rewards when they stop barking in these situations. A treat or a pat on the head will reinforce their good behavior.

Tire Your Dog Out To Minimize Their Barking

Certain dogs bark out of boredom. Puppies, in particular, may get rambunctious and begin barking for several minutes at a time if they have too much energy and seemingly don’t know what to do with it.

If you believe this is why your dog barks so much, try tiring them out more. Do it by:

  • Taking them on walks
  • Throwing a ball to them in your back yard
  • Providing them with toys and puzzles

The more tired your dog is, the less likely they are to bark.

Hire a Reputable Trainer in Houston, TX, To Help With Your Dog’s Barking

If you’re committed to doing it, you should be able to determine how to train a dog to stop barking in Houston, TX, before long. However, some dogs present more challenges than others.

If your dog doesn’t respond to your best training efforts, hire a professional dog trainer in Houston to help. They can use more advanced command training techniques to teach your dog to stop barking unnecessarily. They can also provide additional dog training tips.

Contact Us To Begin Working With a Dedicated Dog Trainer in Houston, TX

Now that you know how to train a dog to stop barking in Houston, TX, start implementing the right strategies to quiet your dog down. Getting a dog to trust you and remaining consistent during training are the keys to positive results.

You can also rely on a dog trainer from Peace Love Dogs to help. Call us at (346) 639-3629 to begin working closely with one.
