How To Train Your Puppy Not To Run Away

You have just adopted a new pup and are excited to bring them on all your adventures. First, you need to learn how to train your puppy not to run away so they can stay safely by your side, whether you’re hiking, on a jog, or simply hopping in the car to visit the pet store. 

Recall training is a vital step for all young pups but can introduce frustrations for owners, as excited puppies often get distracted by their surroundings and want to go explore. Below, our expert crew from Peace Love Dogs, offering professional puppy training in Houston, TX, explains exactly how to teach your dog to reliably return every time with effective positive reinforcement techniques. 

Why Do Dogs Run Away?

Many owners become overwhelmingly frustrated when their furry friend runs away. We sometimes see this as a betrayal and punish the animal when it happens. To correctly teach reliable recalls, we need to understand why dogs bolt, as it’s usually not as spiteful as many assume.

Reasons your pup may go off sprinting in the wrong direction include:

  • Genetics: Some K-9s are genetically predisposed to hunting and working. As soon as they leave their enclosed space, they’ll feel inclined to scratch this itch by running off and exploring new smells.
  • Energy: In most cases, dogs want to burn off excess energy and have fun. When they face a negative reaction from their owner upon return, such as a punishment, they’ll choose the reward of running and enjoying nature. This is why positive reinforcement teaches successful recalls. 
  • Anxiety: Some animals experience separation anxiety and may try to escape to look for their owner when a door is left open. 

Tips Before You Begin

Before you begin the process, ensure your dog is ready to take this step. They should have all of their vaccines and should be microchipped in case they stray too far. We recommend following the basic puppy training timeline, with potty and leash training at a very young age so they’re fully prepared to take the next step up. 

The Basic Steps for Training Your Puppy To Return Reliably

Now we can dive into how to train your puppy not to run away. The process is not much different than potty training or teaching them how to sit. You’ll start small, use basic rewards, then work your way up as they learn.

Here are the basic steps:

  1. Choose a comfortable setting: The first time you teach recall should be in a safe space where they won’t immediately run away. This might be your backyard or another space with easy distraction control. 
  2. Use a long line or a fenced-in area: Depending on your yard, you may want to attach them to a long line to prevent accidents at the beginning of the process. If you have a small fenced-in area, this may not be necessary. 
  3. Practice with the clicker: Clicker training involves using a small device that makes a clicking sound that your dog can associate with rewards. Practice using the clicker and providing a treat so your dog can begin to understand. 
  4. Choose a command: You will not always use the clicker, so you need to choose a command for your recall, like “come” or your dog’s name. Practice a sequence of clicking the device, saying the command, and giving the treat. 
  5. Step back a few feet and continue: As your dog catches on, take a few steps back and continue the sequence so they’re incentivized to follow you. 
  6. Give more space and repeat: Give more space as you repeat the process. Eventually, you can work up to a light jog so they’re forced to run toward you before receiving the reward. Keep in mind that you may need to break sessions up before you reach this stage.
  7. Phase out the clicker: Once your pup successfully recalls, you can begin phasing out the clicker and simply use your command with a treat to teach them to come. 
  8. Introduce the game in new locations???????: Over time, you can begin trying out this game in new settings, such as local parks and trails. This ensures that your pup always returns when called. This also enforces boundary settings as the positive rewards teach your pup not to run in the first place.

Teaching “Stay” in Outdoor Spaces

Learning how to train your puppy not to run away requires recall training, but this is only one step to keeping them by your side in outdoor spaces. They also need to learn the “stay” command for certain situations. For example, if you approach another animal or a group of loud people, you need to trust that they won’t run. 

Here are the basic steps for teaching stay:

  1. Tell your dog to sit.
  2. Take a step back and tell them to come, using your command from above.
  3. Repeat this process, slowly increasing your steps back or the time between sit and come.
  4. Over time, vary the sit duration and incorporate distractions.

Once they know how to stay for 15 seconds in distracting areas and reliably come once told, they’re prepared for any situation!

Tips for Successful Results

Teaching a young puppy not to run away requires time and patience. You won’t be able to teach the above commands in one session. You’ll need to work with your dog consistently over time so they can adopt positive habits.

If you’re struggling to see results, consider changing up the treats or breaking your sessions up more. Puppies get distracted easily, so you typically should only work with them for around 5 to 15 minutes at a time. 

You may also need to change your setting. If your backyard is too distracting, consider starting in your living room before moving outside. 

Do You Need Help Training Your Pup?

Now you know how to train your puppy not to run away. If you’re just starting puppy training and need help from a professional, call Peace Love Dogs in Houston, TX, at (346) 639-3629 to schedule a consultation. 
